03 February 2025
Respected Sir, With due respect assessee want to know that the assessee is the holder of credit card and filed her income tax return under section 44AD and the case of the assessee has been opened on accoount of transaction made through credit card.Sir from the record it is found that more than 50% of total credit card deposit has been used by the husband of the assesse, who is also an filed his income tax return under seccton 44AD That the gross receipt of the husband is more than 30 lac. That the gross transacton is about 24 lac.Sir, all the trnsaction deposit in the case husband of the assesse made by swap credit card i.e. online, but the husband of the assessee has been return the said amount in the shape of cash. Sir, I requested that please guide me can the husband of the assessee used the credit card of his wife and deposited the cash in the credit card account in the mode of cash and oblige. Thanking you.
03 February 2025
Respected Sir, Cash deposited in the credit card account by husband of the assessee, because the husband of the assessee tfd the amount from the credit card of his wife.
05 February 2025
Respected Sir, With due respect I also want to know that can the husband of the assessee and other relative and friends use the crredit card of each other.Thanking you.
05 February 2025
Respected Sir,With due respect, I want to know that the credit card has been used for Rs. 13 Lac by the husband of the assessee and card holder but the husband of the assessee has been return the said amount for Rs. 10.00 Lac th. UPI or online tfd. Sir, both are filed their returns under section 44AD. Sir from your kind authority I want to know that can I show the balance amount outstanding with husband as an advances. receivable. Thanking you.
06 February 2025
Good Morning, Respected Sir, From the above said expert openion from your authority I shall be highly thankful to you..Sir my new query is that the husband of the assessee was the defaulter of bankers and he is in need of credit card,So he has applied for credit card in the name of his wife.Sir the wife of the assessee never used/swap the above said credit card issued in her name.That the husband has been used/swap the said credit card for withdrawls and deposited the amount in the said credit card.Sir the holder of credit card not in knowledge the transaction made by her husband. Sir can in reply of notice as above mentioned that I have not withdrawls and deposited the amount in credit card. Thanking you.
11 February 2025
Respected Sir, I want to know that can anyone member of family of the assessee deposit the cash in the credit card of the assessee Thanks
25 February 2025
Sir with due respect I requested that the case of the assessee was opened under section 142(1) and by taking your good opinions and in the light of facts and figures I have filed the reply.That mostly this case was opened for use of credit card.Sir now I am in receipt of show cause notice and surprised to see that the chart regarding transactions has not mention in the show cause notice and more than 5 paragraphs written in the reply of notice which was the major part to show the above said transactions has not been considered by the AO.The AO has pick the said paragraph which have no major part of reply and the major paragraph and chart has not mention in his show cause notice . Sir I also want to draw your kind attention that assessee was used two credit card and the full reply of both credit card with chart and paragraph has been mentioned in the reply, but AO has not mind it he is only interested in one credit card.Sir I want to know that can AO has right to not mention the complete facts and figures and chart in his show cause notice . Thanks
26 February 2025
AO can consider what ever he wants but you can reply with facts and figures. He has to consider your reply. In case of non consideration go for appeal
27 February 2025
Respected Sir Assessee has been filed her income tax return for the last 5year under section 44AD Sir I want to know that can I show the cash in hand for Rs 3.Lac from out of past saving or I can show the cash in hand mention in the income tax return for the last year Thanks
01 March 2025
Sir the father in law of the assessee was regular income tax assesee for the last more than 30 yrs old that in the year under consideration the father in law of the assessee has been expired.Sir I want to know that can I show the assessee has been received cash for Rs 5 Lac out of cash in hand at the time of death of father in law of the assessee for Rs 20 Lac.That this cash in hand given by the legal heir and wife of the deceased .. Thanks
02 March 2025
Sir for the previous year I have advances a sum of Rs 126000/- to my husband th credit card and in the next year he has refund the said amount in Cash and I have deposit this amount in my credit card account.Sir I want to know that can I have received the cash on account of advances.thanks