25 March 2025 at 21:04

Regarding Director KYC

A company incorporated in May 2024.
1.What will be the due date to file DIR-3?
2. Can we file DIR-3 by self or it is file by CA/CS?

Uday Kumar

Hello Everyone. A client approached me to appoint me as an Auditor for his recently incorporated PVT.LTD company. He has already appointed a CA as his company's auditor at the time of incorporation and now he wants me to replace that CA appointed earlier. Now, i want to know the process of removal of an auditor and appointment of another auditor during the first year of Company Incorporation.
Please guide me regarding this.
Thanks in Advance

24 March 2025 at 22:01

Regarding Director Remuneration

Two partners running a partnership firm from 5 years, recently they open another company which is Pvt Ltd.
They both withdraw amount from partnership firm in form of salary every month.
Is it necessary to show director remuneration in books of accounts of Pvt Ltd because it cannot pay now?


Can number of minutes of meeting be more than number of board resolutions? If yes, then which dates will be mentioned in Directors Report or in MGT-7A

Rosario Melvin

Can someone help me to understand which ROC forms are required to be filed by a Private limited company after it becomes a holding company? Also, please let me know the compliance procedures to be followed under Companies Act, 2013.


A Pvt Ltd company registered under the Companies Act 1956 wants to convert its MOA & AOA to e-MOA & e-AOA. What is the details procedure for such conversion?

08 March 2025 at 12:02

How to know any company name by CIN

How to Know Comapny CIN by Name.


what are the matters to be considered while accepting inter-corporate loan under companies ACT GST and Income Tax

Akash Siby
03 March 2025 at 15:58

CSR- contribution to charitable trust

Is monetary contribution considered CSR only if given to funds listed in Schedule VII?
Is a contribution to a local registered charitable trust eligible as CSR expenditure?


Our company has accepted debenture from existing shareholders with the condition of convert the debenture into share in future now some of them are requested for resumption is it possible to redeem the debenture on request of debenture holders