Dear All,
Am a hotelier and am facing trouble in giving an invoice to my customer who ask to give Bill to company mode for availing below services from us
Room Rent with Meals - this is normal procedure and we have been billing seamlessly if its just this element
Taxi Charges/Laundry Charges/ - How to give one single invoice to my corporate clients which includes all of the above services.
Please note we dont get GST Bill for Taxi & Laundry
Request to kindly help me with this and also advise how we will account for the above expenses
Vini Agrawal
If a common expenditure incurred like as security, house keeping, advertising.
Then is invoice demanded from out side vendor on Ho i. e ISD registered person. Is it correct, or any other else.
At the time of distributing input credit on service, is only input credit distribute or input credit plus service component charges both distribution to concern distinct person.
Please guide
a individual person(gst registered) is selling prepaid talktime to retailer (mobile shopkeeper) and purchasing from telecome company through invoice which was genertaed by telecom company itself onbehalf of above INDIVIDUAL. After a month telecom company paid him commission on his purchase and SALE invoice also generated by that telecom company on that person behalf.
my query is
Above person can claim GST on behalf of PURCHASE? although company paid him commission only
If we should leave ITC which section ?
We have raised a Tax invoice in June 2024 and the same is uploaded on GSTR 1 filed and input taken by buyer.
During the audit march 2025, we found that we missed the E invoice for the bill.
The invoice amount is less than 50,000.
Please advise what to do...???
After reading a few questions on tds under 195, I got a few questions, if anyone can kindly help me understand.
1. If I purchase courses from coursera for personal use. The invoice mentions their foreign address. Do I need to deduct TDS under section 195. I have also purchased a few courses from udemy but the invoices mention Haryana office.
2. As a part of the same question, do I need to deduct tds for payment to Netflix and prime video. Both of the invoice have the India address of Netflix and prime.
3. I have also booked travel air tickets from Agoda and few sites which also have their foreign addresses in the invoice. Do I need to deduct TDS in this case?
4. Also, as an individual, what should I check to know if I need to deduct TDS?
As an individual with no audit or anything, is there any scrutiny for these things
A partner has 33% of shares in partnership firm and wants to transfer his total shares to his son, whether the transfer will be done just by admitting his son as new partner , or by way of gift and
whether stamp duty or tds applicable on above
we are filing GSTR3B every month as per 2B what we want to Claim ITC we are filing 3B returns remaining leaving.
we are received notice GSTR2A and GSTR3B difference amount to declare as ineligible ITC
Actually we are not claimed and how to declare difference amount as in eligible
please guide this process how to return difference amount in 3B without effecting credit ledger balance
Thanking you,
One of my friend has reversed the Ineligible ITC in 3B return under Table 4(B)2 - Others. Now,
the reversed amount is being shown in Electronic Credit reversal and Re-claim statement.
He tried to reclaim the said amount through Table 4(D)(1) and reverse it through 4(B)1, but the tax payable is getting hiked to that extent.
How to rectify this ? Or, shall we leave it as it is, as we have not availed the ITC literally.
Pls. advice.
Dear friends,
I am appearing in CA final exam in May 2025. I have planned to choose Theni as my exam centre. Can you please tell me which is the exam centre in Theni and how to reach the centre from Theni bus stand?
Thank you in advance.
Foreign holding company transferring its holding in shares of Indian company to an another foreign company.
Whether provisions of TDS applicable in this case? Both the foreign companies is not having PAN.
Any case laws is there in connection with the same?
Regarding Hotel Bill of combined services