CA R SEETHARAMAN's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 42258

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About me

I am a retired Executive Director/Finance of a Navratna PSU.

    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Questions on Income Tax, project finance, accounts and Management consultancy can be answered by me since I am a retired Executive Director having more than 30 years experience.

    My area of expertise
    Income Tax, Management Consultancy, Project finance, accounts and Service tax.

    My experience in the area (years):
    More than 30 years.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Power generation and Mining.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    Chartered Accountant

    Award & Honors:

  • Magesh Sambath says : Labour cess 1%
    Sir, In our IPC bill Labour cess@1% has been deducted, my question is my client has been deduction including the GST value, please labour cess deducted including the GST or basic value of work done value , please suggest

  • Harshit Agrawal says : Futures and Options
    My turnover is 1.5 crore and I have not opted for presumptive taxation in any of the previous year and I have loss of 2 lac so can I file normal itr 3 under no account cases or will I need to go for tax audit?.I only have 165000 dividend and interest income.I do not run any other business.

  • Harshit Agrawal says : Futures and Options
    My turnover is 1.5 crore and I have not opted for presumptive taxation in any of the previous year and I have loss of 2 lac so can I file normal itr 3 under no account cases or will I need to go for tax audit?

  • indrajit karfa says : Detention Charges of GTA Service
    Sir, Kindly reply my query , Vehicle detention charges (GTA Service) applicable for GST or not . Please reply.

  • Perumal Thangadurai says : Closure of CGAS deposit account
    Sir, I opened CGAS account and then purchased property. A balance of Rs.10 lacs lying in the CGAS deposit. Applied for Form-G. The ITO is delaying it for more than an year. What can I do.

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