13 January 2023
As ugc hsa considered ca cs cma equivalent to pg but for 55℅ marks there is a confusion as it's hard to get 55℅ in these exams also it's not clear that while calculating 55℅ inter plus final will be counted or foundation plus inter plus final or only final exams marks will be taken into account please experts help me. Ugc is not replying not even our institutions are serous and aware about things
14 January 2023
Sir any written explanation is not available in this regard. And 55℅ marks criteria is also difficult as I have only 50 ℅ so m not eligible I guess
14 January 2023
Yes it's considered as pg but again ugc says in pg one must have 55℅ and while filling form for ugc net it's asking for marks in ca cs cma and if marks is less then 55℅ the form is not being accepted