28 December 2016
In case of a private company, a director (who is also subscriber to moa & aoa) is going to resign from company. Also he wants to transfer his holding to other existing subscribers.
My querry is:
1. whether that will be case of alteration in moa & aoa due to change in list of subscribers. if yes , how compliances would be done?
2. How transfer of shares would be done along with comliances?
3. Any other suggestions to tackle above case to remove one director (also subscriber) from company.
Thanks in advance!
28 December 2016
if i am not wrong, there would be following comliances:
1. Filling of DIR-11,12 (for director resignation).
2. Transfer through SH-4.
3. Reporting in boards report.
4. All resolutions through board meeting.
5. issue of fresh share certificate.
Please correct me if required.
28 December 2016
Please elaborate how practically endorsement of transfer overleaf can be made? whether stamps payment would require? whether this can be made through dsc signature?
Thanks in advance!