Bhaskaran Chackrapani Warrier's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 22307

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About me

Graduate of  Kerala University.

Fellow member of ICAI.


    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Income tax,Kerala value added tax,wealth tax,company law,Audit and Accounts.

    My area of expertise
    Same as above.

    My experience in the area (years):
    36 years.

    Organizations I belong to:
    Ramachandran & krishnakumar. Chartered accountants.

    Publications or writing which has appeared :

    Educational credentials:
    Graduated from University of Kerala. Chartered Accountant from ICAI.

    Award & Honors:
    Ranked in CA intermediate. CAclubindia award(Most effective expert)for 2010-11.

  • Perumal Thangadurai says : Closure of CGAS deposit account
    Sir, I have paid tax for the CGAS deposit in the bank. The ITO not signing the Form-G for more than a year. What can I do? Please advise. Thanking you in anticipation.

  • PURUSOTTAM PANDA says : Booking of software license fee
    Dear @Bhaskaran Chackrapani Warrier Sir, I booked "payments made towards license renewal fee for continuing usage of Tally and other softwares" under "Royalty Account" as revenue expenditure, deducted tax u/s 194J and used payment code as 4JB in TDS return. Am I correct in my stance? Please suggest me, Sir.

  • Deepakk says : form 10ie
    filed form 10IE twice by mistake hence received tax notice from Income tax office.

  • ntc pioneer says : It
    Dear Sir How much is the tax relief in the case of the following scenario ? Fy 23-24 Gross income-10 lakhs Deductions-pf 1 lakh and housing loan 1.5 lakhs and standard deduction 50000 Gross total of arrears of fy 22-23 received in fy 23-24-4 lakhs Deduction of pf from arrears-1 lakh Fy 22-23 Gross income-7 lakhs Deductions-50000 pf and 50000 standard deduction Old regime is opted in both the years

  • ntc pioneer says : Income tax
    What if the agriculture income exceeds 5000 p.abut there is no other source of income,then in such a case should one file an ITR ? and which ITR form should one use if the agricultural income is 4000 p.a and non agriculture income 400000 p a

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