TDS payment on salary

This query is : Resolved 

28 April 2009 Dear Sir/ Madam,

What is the due date of payment of TDS deducted on salary for the month of march. The salary for the month of march is paid on 4th April,2009 and the provision for the same is made on 31.03.2009

Regards, Jyoti Baid

28 April 2009 the due date for payment was 7th April.

28 April 2009 Thanks for the reply

But can you please quote the section or rule where it is mentioned

As per me it is-
"tax should be deposited within one week from the last day of the month in which tax is deducted"

Since tax is deduted on 4.04.09 while making the payment , so tds should be deposited on 7.05.09

28 April 2009 If your TDS is being liablity before 31st march, then it
should be paid on 7th april. It means if you paid the party
before 31st march, then tds will be liable to be paid before
7th april (next mnth). If u Provision TDS on 31st march
then u can pay before 31st may. TDS on salary for the m/o
March will be liable to pay before 7th april.

Hence if it was a provision it was 31st May
But as it is paid in April you can pay upto 7th May

28 April 2009 Thanks for the reply

so what is due date of Tds payment in this case of salary, please calrify.

28 April 2009 Ms.Jyoti,your understanding is correct. Last date is 7th may 2009.

28 April 2009 .

28 April 2009 Good close it as i think everything is resolved. Do anything left Jyoti?

01 December 2009 right

26 December 2009 i think if provision has been made, tax due on that time and payable accordingly.
date of payment is immateriail in this case.

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