Submitting the moa and aoa to roc

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05 February 2012 Hi Guys,

I am trying to register a Pvt. Ltd company with Delhi ROC. After 2 months of struggle i finally got my name approved.

Now i need submit my form 1 along with MOA and AOA. I have written them down and now its all about getting it signed by a Witness and upload the Form 1, MOA and AOA.

Unfortunately i am not in India and my mother is the other director. I though that she can write the details and signed her shares in her hand writing. And i will get the scanned copy and will do the same myself and then convert the file into PDF and submit.

Now my CA is saying there is a risk involved because i am not signing in front of him.

Is there someone who can suggest me something on this. I wud love to give a call to discuss this in detail and its the matter or urgent for me.

Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


06 February 2012 In such situation, the procedure generally followed is -
i) Resident subscriber may execute the documents in her place of residence in India,preferably before the CA who can witness the execution.
ii) The subscriber who is abroad may execute the documents abroad and get it witnessed before the concerned Indian embassy abroad.

06 February 2012 Thanks for your reply.

But i didn't quite understand, could you please simplify the reply??

07 February 2012 Your mom can signed before the CA and you should get that page, write the details and go to the indian embassy of that country. then you should witnessed a officer there of and convert it to PDF and sent alongwith form 1.

07 February 2012 Your mom can signed before the CA and you should get that page, write the details and go to the indian embassy of that country. then you should witnessed a officer there of and convert it to PDF and sent alongwith form 1.

07 February 2012 Thanks a lot for your response.

Just one more question IT IS REALLY NECESSARY to hire a CA or CA for this or anyone can be a witness ???

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