Spice form

23 May 2018 Dear sir,I have filed SPICe Form, but my bad luck they have rejected my form two more times, now my question is whether can I claim refund from MCA which I paid of Rs 80k at time of filling If yes please tell me what is procedure?

24 May 2018 Conditions for refund is multiple payment / excess payment / incorrect payment. In
your case, try to incorporate with same name and then seek refund under multiple
payment option.

24 May 2018 Name itself rejected sir

24 May 2018 1. Name has to be approved first through'RUN service'

2. Then to upload SPICe forms.

Did you follow the above procedure.

If not, the money paid towards fee / stamp duty is lost.

24 May 2018 No sir direct through SPICe form

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