06 November 2008
Kindly send me the format resolution required under Section 187 of the companies Act, 1956. i.e the company X is a shareholder in Y company and X company authorising one of his employee to attend the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Y company and vote on their behalf.
may send at at email id- agarwal.sarika@in.kline.com
06 November 2008
The Board considered the subject matter of represention of the company in the general meetings of Company Y Ltd. in which our company X Ltd.holds shares. After dicussions,
It was Resolved to nominate Mr..... director of X Ltd. to represent the company X Ltd in the meetings of Y Ltd. failing of Mr... Mr....will represent the company.
06 November 2008
This is the general format. If you want any specific format you have to give more inputs as to what is in your case. You can make the resolution particular meeting specific also.
06 November 2008
To be typed in the company letter head of the company and signed by a person authorised by the Board:
We, _____________, pursuant to Section 187 of Indian Companies Act, 1956, hereby appoint Mr. _____ failing him Mr. ____________ as our Corporate Representative and that either of the representatives shall represent us at all general meetings of ________ and at any adjournment thereof.
We hereby authorize the above representatives or any one of them to accept short notice in respect of general meetings of _____________.
This certificate shall remain valid until revoked by us in writing.