Section 13(2) of the SARFAESI ACT

This query is : Resolved 

15 July 2023 Dear experts,
If a person obtains 2 loans from a bank:
1) secured OD against a land and building
2) Housing loan
Both loans under different account numbers.
So if the person repays the housing loan and yet to repay the secured OD. The bank has not released the house documents as the secured OD is outstanding. Can the bank person initiate action against both the property? Or just the secured OD?

15 July 2023 Yes, the bank person can initiate action against both the property.

15 July 2023 How sir? Is there any way under the act to not initiate action against the house property?

15 July 2023 Btw thanks for the reply sir.

16 July 2023 OD taken on land and building.
Bank not released the documents on repayment of housing loan you also agreed for it.

16 July 2023 But the bank personnel said that the house documents can't be released unless the OD is settled. Is this even legal?

17 July 2023 Yes, they can withhold for their security.

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