Return of Trust

This query is : Resolved 

24 October 2009 How to File Trust Return ?
which ITR we have to choose ?
any other Special thing which we have to know to File Trust Return ?

Pls tell me whatever related to this Concern
Pls guide me as early as possible

Thanks in advance

24 October 2009 1. ITR-7
2. Income and expenditure account
3. Balance sheet
4. Audit report in form 10B.
5. Copy of 12A registration certificate.
6. Paper return to file in the jurisdictional ward.

24 October 2009 Thank you sir
but if Trust is newly register they needs Audit of their Accounts ?

If they only have Pan of Trust Where they can File Trust Return or not ?

Pls help me onceagain

Thanks in advance

25 October 2009 Regarding audit and filing of audit report pl refer section 12A(b) of The Income tax Act,1961.

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