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21 May 2017 we are coffee seeds purchase /rost and make powder packets sold company/ (Food and bevarage ) / as partner ship firm my enquiry is...... when sales ... 1)When preparing sales invs earlier we put tax slab as 5.5 %.. 2) from July-17 on ward what is slab need to put ?for local (KA), having branch in branch Tamilnadu,Telangana ? 3) If inter state sales invs tax slab is ? against H form ,agsinst c form slab ? 4) quary no :2 if applicable all in one Tax slab need to collect C form,H form as quaterly wise ? 5) in the returns shall we available tax input ? 6) inTally soft ware entry is Dr Debtors .. Cr sales... Cr out put Tax... from July onwards how to pass entry .....? When Purchase 1) shall we take in put in purchase inv? 2) if interstate purchase need to applicable C form ? 3)In Tally soft ware entry is Cr Creditors Dr Expenses Dr input Tax from july on wards entry is ?

21 May 2017 1 The GST tax Rate is 5%.
2 Local sales CGST 2.5% and SGST 2.5% totally 5%. In case of inter state IGST at 5%.
3 and 4 no need of c form or H form full tax has to be paid and input tax credit to be taken on final sale.
5 Input tax credit available.
Up date Tally software for GST compliance it will provide necessary entry and invoice in GST format.

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