recent amendments in accounting standards

This query is : Resolved 

15 November 2008 which standards have been recently amended...
what are the accounting standards applicable for May 2009 attempt Ca (final)

15 November 2008 All AS issued by ICAI are mandatory
AS 18 which was applicable to Levle 1 companies are now applicable to all...

15 November 2008 Will you please give me the effective date of AS 18 applicable to level-2 and 3 companies.

15 November 2008 which standards have been recently amended...

15 November 2008 7th Decemeber 2006, the datwe which company accounting standard rules became applicable
Refer its notification

15 November 2008 hi...

Before amendment there is contravecy between as-10 and companies act 1956 that as per As-10, any exchange gain/loss arise on assets purchase on deffered payment system, such gain/loss will charge to P&L a/c. and as per companies act, it will charge to caost of assets. but now it is amended that any gain/loss will charged to P&L a/c.

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