Provisional statement

This query is : Resolved 

29 October 2020 Sir,
A provisional statement was signed by auditor showing gst liability 12 lakh but actually the gst liability was 2 lakh.. And they paid the amount 2 lakh. But while finalising the accounts the actual gst liability to be show as 2 lakh but auditor is not willing to finalise the same with 2 lakh. The difference in gst liability risen was due to the gst rate.. What to do with the same.

29 October 2020 Accept the auditor's view as GST liability raisen due to GST rate.

29 October 2020 Auditor has taken 18 percent instead of 3 percent because of communication pblm between the two...

29 October 2020 Solve communication problem by informing the auditor right GST rate.

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