01 August 2014
For the assessment year 2014-15 when I uploading a XML message is shown "The XML schema is invalid. Please upload the XML in the correct schema. At Line Number 137: The value 'AAKHP7597P' of element ITRForm:AssesseeverPAN'is not valid."
Please provide me the relevant solution for it. I have tried many time the toll free number which is available in Income tax site Bangalore but the number is blocked or not reachable.
01 August 2014
Please check if you have generated the xml from generate xml option in ITR. Make sure PAN is correct. Try again by downloading a fresh ITR.
01 August 2014
Sanjay I have tried 3 times and also generate XML from generate xml option in ITR but the same error will show. give some another solution i have tried it which u mention.
01 August 2014
Yes you can use quick efile option for ITR4S. In that case xml not required to be uploaded. After filling the ITR4S you simply need to submit.