I really 'Thank you Thank you Thank Both of You' for your 'Concern; Valuable Time; Effort ; Sharing your Reply.' How so Kind both of You.
I understand 'but' the things is 'Sorry'---> I need more 'Clarity/Clarification' on:-
1) When a 'Sales' Transaction is Involved:- What is Cr.Note & a Debit Note ?? :-
"In this Scenario---> Where does this 'Both Impacts / Affects / Appears' in our "Books of Accounts." Like:- 'In P & L A/c; Balance Sheet' and 'What is the Treatment given against this '2' Notes............?? Secondly:- What will be the 'Effect / Treatment' in GST' Part also ?
2) When a 'Purchases' is Involved:- What is a Cr.Note & Debit Note ??
"In this Scenario also---> Where does this 'Both Impacts / Affects / Appears' in our "Books of Accounts." Like:- 'In P & L A/c; Balance Sheet' and 'What is the Treatment given against this '2' Notes............?? Secondly:- What will be the 'Effect / Treatment' in GST' Part also ?
Can 'You Please throw More Clarity on my recent Query.........' ??
Request to "Treat it as most Urgent and I look forward for your Valuable Reply."
Be Safe and Take Care of You and Your Family Always.
May God bless Abundantly and have Mercy on All of Us.