Dhirajlal Rambhia's Expert Profile

Queries Replied : 15779

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    What kinds of questions I can and can't answer?
    Personal Taxation, Investment & Finance, Law, Real estate related queries

    My area of expertise
    Income Tax, Finance & Investment

    My experience in the area (years):
    around 45 years

    Organizations I belong to:
    U R Developers, Sai Group of Hospitals, Ujjwal Finance, Samvit Associates...

    Publications or writing which has appeared :
    Times of India

    Educational credentials:

    Award & Honors:

  • Apeksha Jain says : Refund of TDS on cancelled property deal
    I followed the process suggested by you for claiming TDS refund on cancelled property deal. On entering challan details, when I click 'View Challan details, challan details are not displayed. Instead there is a remark in red "Refund request can be submitted for OLTAS challan (s) where available amount in challan is equal to or greater than ₹1." Please guide. Do I need to revise my 26QB first, If yes, what changes should be made in that?

  • peer aajiz says : DISA NOTES

  • Aswini Kumar Sahu says : 80CCD(2)
    Sir I am a State Govt. Employee. My Basic Salary is 596230.00 and DA is 313768.00. My HRA is 92750.00. 14% of My Basic plus DA is contributed by my employer towards NPS which comes to Rs. 127396.00 apart from my contribution of Rs. 90999.00. So, what amount can I claim for deduction under Section 80CCD (2),

  • B S says : Trading in online commodities on MCX
    You have given the above code 13018, for trading in future and stocks. Is this also applicable for opening a LLP for the main business activity of online commodities trading on mcx Or ncdex exchanges? The funds for the same would be contributed by the partners and silent partners only and no funds will be taken from the general public.

  • Nabur Vatika says : TDS - Form 26QB - Installment - Final payment Quer
    Sir, Thank you for responding to my query. When i enter 1 lac in column "C", i still calculates the total SD value payable. Can you please guide

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