LIC Premium

This query is : Resolved 

26 September 2008 Hi All,

Can anybody suggest me for the below details :
I am single Female individual have been paying premium of my mother every year. Do I eligible for the premium amount paid for tax exemption from taxable income.

Thanks & Regards,

26 September 2008 no u can not take such benefit, as per section 80C lic premium paid only for self, spouse & children is allowed as deduction.
however if u are paying her medical insurance premium & she is dependend on u, then u can take deduction u/s 80D

27 September 2008 Appreciation for the correct answer.

27 September 2008 No appreciations are required dear, as it is expected that one should answer correct and to the point in this (EXPERTS) Section.

{Getting points by such reply's is not good in expert section}

27 September 2008 no you will not get exemption from

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