Late payment of PF and ESIC for June 2021

This query is : Resolved 

14 July 2021 Dear Sir,

A company is registered with PF and ESIC in Maharashtra. For the month of June 2021, the company will not be able to make the PF and ESIC payment through challan within the due date i.e. 15th July 2021.

I want to know will the PF and ESIC expense will be disallowed for June month as per Income tax Act since payment was not made within due date.

Please suggest.

Divyesh Jain

14 July 2021 PF and ESI expenses will be allowed if it's remitted before filling the ITR.
But employees contribution will be added to your income for tax purposes.

14 July 2021 Ok, Thank you Sir for your reply

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