Mr. A is a Retailer (He have GST number - Regular Tax payer - <20Lakhs TurnOver). He buying a FMCG items from registered companies/Dealers with GST Invoices. (Purchase with tax) And selling the products to Unregistered persons (Like local small small shops) without GST. (Sales without tax) So, 1. He can avail ITC on Purchase? 2. How he want to file GSTR-1 & 3B?
Kindly explain with simple examples. Thank You All! Stay Safe!
03 June 2021
He is registered under GST so he has to raise B2C tax invoice with GST for unregistered supply. 1 ITC can be availed if tax invoice with GST issued on sales. 2 Issue tax invoice on sales and file GSTR 1 and 3b.