Intimation U/s 143(1)

This query is : Resolved 

13 December 2020 Hey,
I've recently received an intimation u/s 143(1) wherein the issue is :-
I've filed my return stating my income in which I have received 7th pay commission arrears in the FY 2019 -2020 and the intimation that I have received has processed it without giving me the benefit of relief under section 89. So, shall I file a rectification request under section 154 or should I ask my employer to correct the details under part B of Form 16 and file a revised return for that purpose subsequently. Also, if I shall file a rectification U/s 154 it isn't available for the AY 2020-2021 until now ?

13 December 2020 It is mandatory to fill out Form 10E if you want to claim tax relief under Section 89(1) of the Income Tax Act 1961 along with return of income. Ask your employer to correct form 16B. Then file revised return which can be filed up to 31st March 2021.

13 December 2020 Hey,
I have already filed Form 10E with return of Income. So, that implies I have to ask my employer to correct the details in part B of form 16 and won't have to file rectification u/s 154 ?
Thanks in advance

14 December 2020 After correction of 16B you need to file rectification under section 154 to reprocess the ITR.
Before this as you have filed 10E relief should have been given to you, ask CPC helpline the reason for not giving relief.

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