Interest on loan deduction

This query is : Resolved 

15 June 2017 took loan for construction of a house last year. construction is still in progress and partly loan amount is repaid but person who has taken loan still doesn't have possession of house. can he claim deduction of interest on loan and principal repayment under income tax act?

15 June 2017 Deduction available only after construction completed, before that deduction cannot be availed

15 June 2017 what if the assesse doesn't get possession even after completion of construction..then can he claim deduction without having possession

15 June 2017 My view. section states about the completion of construction. If you get the construction completion certificate from builders, you are eligible for deduction

15 June 2017 Ownership / deemed ownership is necessary for claiming deduction for interest u/s. 24(b).

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