Indian CS in FOCUS

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
20 November 2009 A Company Secretary (as is called in India) is differently known in other countries e.g. Chartered Secretary (in UK) or Corporate Secretary (in USA) etc. Does the name actually reflect upon the dimensions and qualities of the profession which may vary from country to country? Are Indian Company Secretaries NOT at par with their counterparts in other countries? Expert view in the matter is solicited.

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20 November 2009 Hi,

it is all about the name is spelled out differntly but the profession is same irrespective to their laws.
Since the law is different from country to country as like that tbe name is different.

But the way of work is same are also we Indians are also competent to them

05 September 2010 a rose is a rose by watever name its called.......yes CS in india are at par with others....but a name like Corporate sec or chartered Sec gives a better brand image in other countries as well and obiously members of the institutes also feel good with a name like Chartered or Corporate......but remember the ROSE WILL ALWAYS BE ROSE.............

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