Incorporation of company under companies act 2013

This query is : Resolved 

28 July 2014 Dear Professional Colleagues,

I am in process of Incorporating a private Limited company under companies Act 2013, The said company has been successfully got incorporated and I have received Certificate of Incorporation.

Now I need to file Form INC-21 for Certificate of Commencement. Can anyone please explain me what attachments to be disclosed? Do anyone have format of declaration to be given by directors?

28 July 2014 Attachments are:-

1. INC-10

2. Non Judicial stamp paper for Rs.25 in which the following sentence has to be written , to be dated ,signed and sealed by the Mg. Director with name and DIN.

"THIS forms part of e-form INC-21 of ....... Private Limited bearing CIN........"

28 July 2014 Thank you so much for your reply sir,as far as i know INC-10 should be furnished by Director(subscribers) but what if subscriber is a company? Because in my case there are 3 subscibers, one is comany and other two are directors.

Do you have format of declaration which is to be taken on Non Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 25?

28 July 2014 No format. See my post edited answer. Regarding INC-10 of the company, I feel it is to be taken in the name of the person who has been the signatory for the company in the MOA and AOA..

28 July 2014 Sir,

As per Instruction kit with Form INC-21,the following declaration should be made:

"every subscriber to the memorandum has paid the value of the shares agreed to be taken by him and the paid-up share capital of the company is not less than one lakh rupees in case of a private company on the date of making of this declaration"

Is this to be taken on Stamp paper of Rs. 25? For INC-10 even i feel it should be in name of person who is signing on behalf of company but I am not confirmed with same.

28 July 2014 You have copied a part of section 11(1) which is repeated in the instruction to INC -21. The form of declaration mentioned there in is e-form INC-21 itself. Therefore, no more declaration has to be executed and filed. The stamp paper is towards the fee of the declaration. Thus the need for the endorsement in stamp paper arises.

28 July 2014 Ok sir, thank you so much for your valuable guidance.

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