12 October 2020
International Financial Reporting Standards, commonly called IFRS, are accounting standards issued by the IFRS Foundation and the International Accounting Standards Board. The prescribed listed companies in India have started reporting under the new Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS) from the financial year (2016-17). IndAS are the IFRS converged finan-cial reporting standards and will have to be followed by all the listed companies and certain private companies going forward, in a phased manner. Listed companies with net worth of more than INR 500Cr have reported their Quarter 1 (Q1) results for 30 June 2016, under the new standards.
12 October 2020
See the link. https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/trainings/advisorytrainings/aaslearningsolutions/diplomainifrsbyacca.html#:~:text=Diploma%20in%20IFRS%20(Diploma%20IFRS,India%20and%20around%20the%20world.