18 July 2023
sir, In my housing society some members own 2 flats. They pay Rs. 10,000 per month maintenance charges for 2 flats. That is Rs 5000 per month for each flat.
do they cross gst exemption limit of Rs 7,500 per month?
or gst exemption limit calculation is increased to Rs 15,000 per month for the member who owns 2 flats?
18 July 2023
If they have two membership i.e one share certificate for each flat, then not crossed the limit. Otherwise yes. No. Limit under GST is not to be increased.
18 July 2023
sir, separate share certificates for each flats are given. each flat has its own separate share certificate. so Rs 7500 per month limit is available for each flat? so for each flat separate exemption limit is available?
18 July 2023
Membership is considered based on the share certificate issued. If a member has single share certificate/membership, but have more than one flat, he will be considered as single owner of all these flats. Maintenance charges are billed as per members. So when two separate bills are issued for two different flats, the charge per bill is below the exemption limit. Hence no GST levied for each bill of Rs. 5000/-