GST Registration and taxation

This query is : Resolved 

17 July 2021 if a person from India intends to sales goods / services through Amazon to US and provide the said goods to the clients through warehouse taken on rent in US following are the concerns:
1. While taking registration for Principal place of business (in India) do he has to mention the US ware house address as additional place of business?
2. Whether his sale will be treated as exports under GST, which is exempt from tax or he has to pay IGST separately?

17 July 2021 1 yes, mention as additional place of business.
2 Transfer to warehouse outside India will not be considered as export, hence pay IGST separately.

18 July 2021 Thanks a lot for your reply sir, but if the client is purchasing and selling through ware house in US means no transfer of goods from India to the warehouse, still it is not exempt?

18 July 2021 In such a case it's exempt, as trading happen outside India.

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