Gst registration

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 February 2017 Our company is into trading of goods and also provides services. We are registered under 4 states for VAT and for service tax we have opted for centralized registration for those places from which we provide the services which is mainly from 1 state only. Now, since we are getting registered in GST for all the 4 states, do i need to mention service tax no. in company profile in all the states for registration or from only that state from which we provide the services. Also, in providing details of goods and services i need to mention only services details in only that state in which services are being provided for rest i don't mention anything about services. Will this do?

Also, if we plan not to opt for GST registration for 1 state as the taxable turnover for that state is less than Rs.20 lacs- can we exercise such kind of discretion or we have to compulsory get GST registration done for all 4 states.

Please guide in this matter. Thank you in advance.

22 February 2017 You have to compulsory get GST registration in all the four states(turnover limit is all India based). Mention service tax No. in the company profile for all the 4 states. Mention service details only in the state where you are providing the services.

22 February 2017 You have to compulsory get GST registration in all the four states(turnover limit is all India based). Mention service tax No. in the company profile for all the 4 states. Mention service details only in the state where you are providing the services.

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