Gst in educational trusts

This query is : Resolved 

09 June 2017 Dear All

Please clarify whether INPUT TAX CREDIT can be claimed in the following situation.

A trust which operates an educational Institution having more than 1000 students and fees for an year comes around 6 crores. They are having exception as no GST for education sector. The same trust is having input tax for various things they are buying and for services they are getting. What is the rule for input tax credit for the same? I want to know whether such input tax never be claimed?

09 June 2017 As no GST applicable on the out put service provided by the trust, input tax never be claimed

09 June 2017 Dear Sir,

Thank You.

09 June 2017 Sir, Is it mandatory to take GST Registration for Trusts working under Educational Sector ? Is there any advantage or disadvantage in doing the registration?

10 June 2017 If your trust falls under GST exempted educational sector no need of GST registration. If you register you have to comply the return filing formalities.

10 June 2017 Sir,
Thank you for prompt reply once again. Actually I cannot determine whether the TRUST is exempted under GST regime. Is there any circular or rule that specifies to know which TRUSTS are treated exempted or not?

10 June 2017 Tell me details of education you provide. Like schools education college education.

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