Form 1a

This query is : Resolved 

20 March 2012 Sir,

We are forming new conpany with following name having authorised capital Rs. 1.00 lac only. The main object of the proposed company is provide sports & physical education solutions to school

Can we process with following names.

1-Indian Sport For Life Private Limited
2-I S 4 L Private Limited

Kindly guide us.


20 March 2012 Hi

For using India word in the name of the Company without brackets should have minimum authorized capital of Rs. 50 lakh as per the Circular no. 27/1/87/CL.III, dated 13-3-1989.


20 March 2012 Mishra Ji

I think the monetary restriction has been done away with by MCA Circular 45/2011 dated 8/7/2011.

20 March 2012 Sir

I think the said circular is not talking about monetary limit or using of these words.So i think earlier circular on the said word like"India" will apply.
Kindly give the valuable suggestion on the said matter.

20 March 2012 Mishra Ji
Yes, monetary limit is missing.
Further,45/2011 begins as "In supercession of all the previous circulars and instructions issued by Ministry of
Corporate Affairs from time to time regarding name availability...."
So can't we then presume that there is no monetary limits for name availabilty from 8/7/2011.

20 March 2012 Agree with you sir......

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