FDI based company to start Manufacturing facility

This query is : Resolved 

06 November 2020 Dear Experts,

Our is an FDI based Subsidiary Company. We want to start manufacturing facility in India. What formalities do we need to complete for this?


06 November 2020 Obtain PAN register under GST. Register under factories Act and local authority.

a k (Querist)
06 November 2020 Sir,
We have PAN and GST. But, there are more formalities to be complied with FEMA and RBI, I guess?
Please suggest.

07 November 2020 The routes under which foreign investment can be made is as under: Automatic Route: Foreign Investment is allowed under the automatic route without prior approval of the Government or the Reserve Bank of India, in all activities/ sectors as specified in the Regulation 16 of FEMA 20 (R).

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