CPE hrs

This query is : Resolved 

11 December 2010 I am register member with ICAI but not obtained the COP. Its required on my part to complete my CPE hrs? What are the requirement for that, how would i complete that, whether i have to be a member of some study circle group?

12 December 2010 Members are supposed to comply with CPE requirements. The minimum number of hours vary from COP holders and non COP holders. For obtaining CPE hours, members can seek attending meetings having CPE credit facility or by doing unstructred learing prescribed by ICAI. Usually, study circle meeting doesn't have CPE credits, but attending will help to gain knowledge of the subjects.

For details pl visit www.cpeicai.org

13 December 2010 Non Cop holder should complete compulsory 10hrs in a year and should complete 45 cpe hrs in a three yrs block..
n plz for western region u can check the forthcoming cpe hrs on www.wircicai.org

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