As i am running business of Contractor registered with Indian Oil Corp. Ltd (public sector/govt. undertaking)or said as WORKS CONTRACT which includes activities like const. / repair of roads, ecectrical pannels/cables, tank installation, Fabrication, building etc (all the work at petrol pumps). I am paying VAT 4% which is deducted at source & 2% TDS. All the rates of IOCL is inclusive of all taxes.
Plz let me know is the service tax applicable on us & if yes how much tax is applicable on us?
The service tax is applicable from 01-06-2007 as on work contract or from 10-09-2004 ? plz advice the date.
plz let out a easy way as we have very little profits in our business.
Some of our services includes which are exempted from service tax ?
02 June 2011
that means it will be not valid from 10-09-2004, as some one said it will be valid from that date. Also plz let me know how much is the penalty & interest if one has not paid the service tax ?