27 April 2018
Person A, B, C and D are siblings. A, B and C live in one city whereas D lives in a different city. The first three had bought properties in city where D lives and D looks after and maintains the property for siblings. D also gets tenants for the properties and the rent is paid to respective owners. In return owners pay a fixed yearly amount for D's efforts. Is D liable to get registered under GST as commission agent although D has a different profession.
Here no more commission activities. Mr. D is participated as Maintenance person. Also Mr. A,B & C will treat Mr D as a Employee or Wages or Staff or any thing of Salaried...
Also please wait on some other replies from Our Experts...
28 April 2018
Here, lumpsum payment paid constitutes consideration for service rendered and hence GST attracts since the services done by Mr.D is not included in the list of exempted services.