24 March 2025
Me and my wife have purchased land on 17.09.12 by Rs. 23.32 lacs and 23.17 lacs seperately and sold it by Rs. 55.88 lacs & 54.57 lacs on 23.12.2021. By the amount of Capital Gain we have Purchased a Residential property Jointly in the name of my wife and myself amounting Rs. 68.24 lacs and claim exemption u/s 54. But in the assessment CPC Bangalore rejected the claim u/s 54 without any reason and issued demand notice to both of us. Would u pls suggest , what should I do now ??
25 March 2025
Unless exact reason known for the rejection of claim, proper answer cannot be obtained. You may request for reprocessing the ITR. Or if your claim is genuine. you can file appeal.