Change of name of a company

This query is : Resolved 

12 December 2017 Dear Sir/Madam,

One of my client wants to change name of the company but one of the subscriber (and also director) to memorandum resigned and new director appointed, old director shares were transferred to new director.
Now, The question is while filing INC-24 Attachments are altered MOA, AOA. in altered MOA, AOA whether i need to change subscribers details and put new directors details. Is it proper to include new directors details in altered MOA, AOA ?
Thanks in advance

12 December 2017 Subscriber sheet cannot be changed at any point of time/event after incorporation.

13 December 2017 Sir, If one of the subscriber expired, Now The company wants to alter AOA, MOA. Who has to be sign the the altered MOA, AOA ? Please provide Section preference also
Thanks in Adavance

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