Can NRIs claim GST paid on insurance premium in tax filing?

This query is : Resolved 

10 February 2025 Hello Everyone,

I’m an NRI currently living in Australia. I have health insurance in India for my wife and child with NivaBupa. Recently I got to know that health insurance premium paid annually is GST exempt for NRIs. As part of renewal, I requested them to apply the GST exemption. But their final response is that the feature is not yet “live” in their internal systems for renewals in specific and that they’ll not be able to “facilitate”. They said that since GST is paid to Govt, I can claim it myself by contacting my tax consultant.

If I’m not wrong, GST unlike TDS is not paid against the PAN of the customer but GSTIN of their own business, as such it is their job to do, which is either take payment with GST or provide a refund by taking necessary documentation from me and their tax filing department to report this transaction to Govt as GST exempt. In fact, that is the process I follow for another term insurance plan with Tata AIA. So is there a way that a tax consultant can claim this GST that I paid as part of insurance renewal, during my year end tax filing (or any other time)? Please clarify.

Appreciate your response.

11 February 2025 Insurance taken on wife and child living in India refund can't be claimed.

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