Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps

rajshwar dayal
17 October 2017 at 12:41

Reverse charge mechanism

Under new GST provisions what services provided by Advocates are not subject to Reverse Charge Mechanism Kindly clarify.R.Dayal

Priti Modi
17 October 2017 at 12:14

Capital gains

A company is engaged in the business of real estate. It had purchased flats in the year 2009. As on 2017, the company wants to convert the flats from stock in trade to investment. My queries relating to the same are:
1. Period of holding for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is long term or short term would be reckoned from 2009 or 2017?
2. What will be the base indexation? Will it be 2009 or 2017?

17 October 2017 at 11:49


exp incurred rs. 800000 and booked via entry exp .......dr. rs. 800000 To creditor rs. 800000 and payment made rs. 500000 (inclusive of rs. 10000 as TDS ) and keep liability of rs. 300000 my query is that on what amount TDS would be applicable. since TDS has not booked at the time of booking creditor. can company deduct TDS at the time of making partly payment does it consider as any violation of provision

17 October 2017 at 11:41

When should i file gstr-1

My Client is a Coffee/Tea Supplier holding GST TIN. He supplies Coffee/Tea to Apollo Medical Shop which is also holding a GST TIN.
should i file GSTR-1? Since i have not filed GSTR-1 for July till date. What are the consequences? Is there any Penality?

Mohd Nasruddin
17 October 2017 at 11:15

Unsecure loan in audit report

Kindly help me in these point of audit report.
{a}* Particulars of each loan or deposit in an amount exceeding :
the limit specified in Section 269SS taken or accepted
during the previous year :-

{i} name, address and permanent account number {if :
available with the assessee} of the lender or

{ii} amount of loan or deposit taken or accepted; :

{iii} whether the loan or deposit was squared up :
during the previous year;

{iv} maximum amount outstanding in the account at :
any time during the previous year;

{v} whether the loan or deposit was taken or :
accepted by cheque or bank draft or use of electronic
clearing system through a bank account.

{vi} in case the loan or deposit was taken or accepted
by cheque or bank draft, whether the same was
taken or accepted by an account payee cheque
or an account payee bank draft.

* {These particulars need not be given in the case of a
Government company, a banking company or a
corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial
Act. }

{b}* Perticulers of each specified sum in an amount exceeding the :
limit specified in sec. 269SS taken or accepted during the
previous year :-

{i} Name, address and permanent account number {if :
available with the assessee} of the person from whom
specified sum is received;
{ii} amount of specified sum taken or accepted;
{iii} whether the specified sum was taken or accepted by
cheque or bank draft or use of electronic clearing
system through a bank account; :

{iv} in case of specified sum was taken or accepted by
cheque or bank draft, whether the sam was taken or
accepted by an account payee cheque or an account
payee bank draft.

* {These particulars need not be given in the case of a
Government company, a banking company or a
corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial
Act. }

{c}* Particulars of each repayment of loan or deposit or any :
specified advance in an amount exceeding the limit specified
in section 269T made during the previous year:-

{i} name, address and PAN (if available with the :
assessee) of the payee;

{ii} amount of the repayment; :

{iii} maximum amount outstanding in the account at :
any time during the previous year;

{iv} wether the repayment was made by cheque or bank :
draft or use of electronic clearing system through
a bank account;

{v} in case the repayment was made by cheque or bank :
draft, whether the same was taken or accepted by
an account payee cheque or an account payee
bank draft.

{d}* Particulars of repayment of loan or deposit or any specified :
advance in an amount exceeding the limit specified in
section 269T received otherwise than by a cheque or bank
draft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank
account during the previous year :-

{i} name, address and PAN ( if available with the :
assessee ) of the lender, or depositor or
person from whom specified advance is received;

{ii} amount of loan or deposit or any specified advance :
received otherwise than by a cheque or bank draft
or use of eletronic clearing system through a bank
account during the previous year.

{e}* Particulars of repayment of loan or deposit or any specified :
advance in an amount exceeding the limit specified in sec.
269T received by a cheque or bank draft which is not an
account payee cheque or account payee bank draft during the
previous year :-

{i} name, address and PAN ( if available with the :
assessee ) of the lender, or depositor or person
from whom specified advance is received;

{ii} amount of loan or deposit or any specified advance :
received by a cheque or a bank draft which is not an
account payee cheque or account payee bank draft
during the previous year.

* {Particulars at (c), (d) and (e) need not be given in the case of
a repayment of any loan or deposit or any specified advance
taken or accepted from the Government, Government company,
banking company or a corporation established by the Central,
State or Provincial Act}.

Thanks & Regards,

Mohd Nasruddin

Vinay sawant
17 October 2017 at 11:01

PGBP or House Property

If I own a business of running cinema theatre.so the income which I earned from selling the tickets was considered as my PGBP. few months later I gave on rent the cinema house premises including my core operations to earn the rental income.tell me whether such rental income shall be treated as PGBP or House property.

17 October 2017 at 10:49

Articleship while working in mnc

My friend got job offer from MNC but his article-ship period remain 9 months. can he do that job?
Is any need to inform to ICAI ?
Can he take dummy article-ship from his principal and join the co?

17 October 2017 at 10:38


we have recd building maintenance bill from welfare association on 12-oct-2017 (undersigned) and dt. on bill is 1-aug-17. they not regd. under gst . So in which month we show this transaction in gst return. we already filed gst return for august.

Ankit Patel
17 October 2017 at 10:36

Itc on capital good

Hi everyone...

what is the procedure for taking ITC on Capital Goods, I purchase 3 Mobile phone for business use and GST @12% Rs. 1800 was charged on that amount how we can take credit can we take full credit in the month of purchase.

Please suggest..

Ankit Patel
Mo. - 8691908859

17 October 2017 at 10:25

Profit margin for kirana store

how much profit margin can i show from a grocery store ( kirana stores ) to file my income tax return