Gst registration

This query is : Resolved 

11 February 2017 Dear Sir, I have a technical query regarding GST Registration in relation to Government Organisation.

A Government organization which is under the Control of Government of India. Head office of that organization is located in New Delhi and Manufacturing, marketing and distribution units are located all over India.

Presently transfer of Goods by one unit to another unit not chargeable to VAT/CST as they are sister units and form "F" is issued against such supply.

However, while Migration of all factories to GST an issue came to know that head office located in New Delhi and all other units having their separate PAN and different from each other.

Now, My query is that whether head office and all the units all over india should be registered under same PAN as possessed by head office or Migration should be done on the basis of separate PAN possessed by each unit located in different location.

As per the model GST Law Interstate Branch transfer will be taxable under GST but branch transfer within the same state are not taxable.

As I understand that a unit will be treated as Branch of another if they are Registered under same PAN and if in Registration PAN is different they cannot be treated as Branches.

Kindly Reply in this regard whether Registration of all the units should be taken under single common PAN or Registration should be taken under separate PAN possessed by each units.

Thanking You.

11 February 2017 Registration of all the units has to be taken under single PAN. One entity can have only one PAN. You need to file Income tax return under single PAN including all the units. Retain the PAN of the head office and surrender the PAN of units/branches.

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