28 December 2017 at 10:27

filing gstr 1

what is the last date for Filing GSTR 1 and GSTR 2 from Aug to Nov 2017

Sachin Kumar
28 December 2017 at 10:13


We had received total advance of Rs. 5,00,000 in July, August, September 2017 for meditation shivir and paid GST on paid. We had filed Gstr-1 of above 3 months. In October 5,00,000 was refunded to participants. can we take refund of GST paid...? where to show in gstr-1 that we had refunded amount ...?

Shakthipro badge
28 December 2017 at 10:00

Registration cancellation

Dear Experts

I got registered voluntarily under GST even though my turnover is less than Rs 20 lakhs. However to avoid the monthly return filing and gst payment formalities ,i would like to surrender /cancel the registration.

I should wait for one year to apply for the cancellation or can i apply now itself

28 December 2017 at 08:33

Filing itr3

a person has approx. rs 450000/- as his PGBP income from retail business and is not maintaining any books of accounts(though sec 44AA is applicable) and claims loss under head house property u/s 24(b).
Now my question here is that how to file itr in this case when the person do not want to opt for sec 44AD?

28 December 2017 at 06:04

Accounts and incometax

Dear Sir
My friend is doing business of tent house. He want to take loan from bank for expansion of business for Rs 500,000/- . He doesnot have closing stock . He have only fixed asset of bamboo , clothes etc.
I want to know on what basis bank will sanction loan .Kindly advise.

27 December 2017 at 23:58

Error while filing gstr-1

I am trying to file GSTR1 for month ending Aug 17. After clicking submit button and proceed button, I get this error message

'Error! You have records still Under processing/Processed with error status in section : B2B Uploaded by supplier. You may go back and take action on those records before submitting. If you choose to proceed without taking action on the same, system will process your return/statement without considering those records.'

So, Should I proceed ignoring this? 31st Dec is last date.


27 December 2017 at 22:36

cash larger adjustment

electronic Cash ladger can adjust Igst

27 December 2017 at 22:32

if charge csgt/sgst what is problem.

I have recd an amount in bank from other State unregistered party. my question is now v should charge csgt/sgst if I will charge cgst/sgst what problem face.

Ibnay Hasan
27 December 2017 at 22:14

Gstr 1 quaterly filing

Hello sir/anybody i opted GSTR 1 quaterly filing but dashboard showing quaterly return GSTR 4. But I m registered regular taxpayer Plz help

27 December 2017 at 21:58



I have opted for voluntary registration in epfo code but i want to generate ecr report and uan no. for employee.
how can i.