13 December 2019 at 13:10


I updated Practicing Professional DSC on MCA Portal...While uploading the forms in potal it shows an error as DSC is not registered..
Pls suggest the solution for that issue...

Hassan Mohammed Basim
13 December 2019 at 11:34

Capitalization of building premises

A firm is undertaken on its own building premises, some interior designing repairs have taken. should the value of premises include cost of interior designing or that should be debited to p&l a/c as current year expense. and how to calculate the current value for the premises.

Shobhit Jain
13 December 2019 at 11:13


It is mandatory for company to appoint auditor within 30 days of incorporation.

But There is a general thought that Form ADT 1 is not required to be filed for the appointment of the first auditor. This is because rule 4 (2) of company rules, 2014 mentions only about Sec 139 (1 )- appointment of auditors and not about Sec 139 (6) – appointment of the first auditor.

Now whether it is possible for company to file ADT-1 (For appointment of first auditor) after 30 days without any late fees and penalty?

Jomon P B
13 December 2019 at 09:52

Defective return u/s 139(9)

ITR filed had become defective return u/s 139(9) due to the income mismatch with Form 26 AS. Now, we are going to file the response u/s 139(9). We have to change the income in the profit and loss account. So, our doubts are the following:-
1. Whether we have to file the revised 3CB - CD?
2. which date I need to enter as the date of filing of the audit report in ITR?   
(date of filing of First 3CB-CD or Revised 3CB-CD)

sri vignesh
13 December 2019 at 00:27


Hello In my payslip salary is mentioned 18700 but 1870 that is 10 % of my salary is deducted as TDS and I am also not getting any pf since they since hR told that without pf we will pay 18000 and with pf we will pay only 15000. So can i claim tds refund?

12 December 2019 at 23:38

FD and RD interest rates

Will the rates of FD and RD change from time to time?

12 December 2019 at 21:46

GST Registration

What is the minimum turnover to exempt from GST registration?


Whether GST Output paid on sales is includable in Turnover calculation as per income tax act? sales in profit and loss account is including GST or excluding GST?

12 December 2019 at 19:05

Input Tax Credit on Air Conditioning Plant

Hello Sir/Mam,

Our company is considering a proposal for taking services of works contract for Centralized Air conditioning for our new office.

Whether GST input would be available on the Works Contract Services?
The vendor would provide material and labour for Centralized Air Conditioning
As per Section 17(5) of CGST Act immovable property except plant and machinery is mentioned.

Prompt Response would be appreciated.

12 December 2019 at 18:30

Bill to ship to ewaybill

we purchase goods from anmol biscuit and deliver direclty to my party.
company made ewaybill in bill to ship method.
now is there any requirement to issue way bill by me at the time of invoicing to my party for said transction.