Kollipara Sundaraiah

It female assess exchange of old gold jewellery value rs:3 lacs after purchase of New gold jewellery value rs:4 lacs.
Assess exchange of old gold jewellery after purchase of new gold jewellery capital gains applicable in it act.

Kiran Kamble

I am kiran

Can i claim gst input tax credit of loacal purchase or services, If i used purchase or services against the export of goods or services.

09 July 2021 at 22:20

Premature withdrawl

someone invested in fd for 5 yrs and claim deduction u/s 8o c later on he premature of FD ,what is the head under which he is chargeable to tax after premature of FD,;

09 July 2021 at 18:30


Respected Sir,

Query No. 1
Seller and buyer both are foreigner and in between I am an Indian working as an agent. Whether GST is payable on commission received by me from foreign country ?

Query No.2
If the buyer is an Indian and the seller is a foreigner and in between I am an Indian working as an agent. Whether GST is payable on commission received by me from foreign country ?


Dear Expert,

GST exemption limit is applicable for any brand franchise or we need to take mandatory registration ?

09 July 2021 at 18:06


Respected Sir,
If it is 100% export sales which is not taxable and R-1 is filed EXPORT WITHOUT PAYMENT OF TAX, can we claim ITC Refund on Direct & Indirect Expenses both related with export sales.

Sonnal Khandaray

Hi All

Where to show exempted export in GSTR-1 ?

Thanks in advance.

Shakthipro badge
09 July 2021 at 17:25

Trust Deed changes

Can a trust change some of the trustees by a supplementary deed as per the manner in the old Deed. Whether permission from the IT department is necessary or should we intimate them about the change in the trustee by supplementary deed.

Kollipara Sundaraiah
09 July 2021 at 17:15

Bank transactions wrong maintained

A individual status business person (husband)some bank account transactions mistake through in wife bank account.
Assess mistake wife bank account transactions how to show procedure in books.

CA Parul Saxena online
09 July 2021 at 16:59

Export details in GSTR1

What is the difference between Bill of lading and Shipping Bill?
In GSTR1 under table 6A Bill of lading No is to be given or shipping bill ni?