what is reason to reject ITR. by the department . please mention the some reason due to ITR may be rejected.
What is the eligibility for answering a query in caclubindia??
if ITR Filed after due date
In the case of individual -All tax liability paid before 31st july but ITR filed after 31st march.
in the case of other than individual
all tax liabilities paid till 31st march but ITR filed after 30 sep.
Dear Sir,
I want to know about MAT provision. How to compute it in case of private limited company?
What is the diff between PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING (PSU) and GOVT. Co.
I am presently doing my CA-IPCC. I want to do CS as well. I don't wish to b.com can I do it. is there any necessity of bechlore degree for CA final. is there any restriction regarding doing both CA n CS. ICAI says you can one degree with CA. n what if I say I prefer CS than B.com
experts please suggest me some best reference books that will be useful during audit...........
I would like other Ca finals students to plz guide me on how and when to start which subject so that I complete everything well in time .
bank balance as per company books not tallied with bank statement as 31 st march , which balance should be taken to make balance sheet/
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961
Rejection of itr