A private limited company was converted into public ltd. company in the year 2004 having its registered office in delhi. As per the provisions company will issue new share certificates after conversion.

kindly tell me the rate of stamp duty to be paid on issuance of such share certificates..

Answer now

02 August 2010 at 21:24

company law settlement scheme

1. A private company was incorporated in 1996 with a paid up capital of Rs 20000 ( twenty thousand ). It has not increased the paid up capital to the threshhold limit of Rs.100000. It is understood that the company can make the default good by filing form 2 now. Now the query is whether the increase in paid up capital is to be backdated or Can it be filed with current date ( the company has filed form 20B for all the years but not filed form 23AC or 23ACA ) ?

2) Where can I find the application for grant of immunity ? ( which is required to be filed if any documents are filed under this scheme )

Thanks in advance

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Ashish Jain
02 August 2010 at 11:53


Please if anyone can provide concise notes on ICDR guidelines.

Thanks in advance

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Pinal Darji
27 July 2010 at 14:13

Adoption of New set of articles

Please can any one help me with the procedure for Adoption of New set of articles and the draft resolutions & Explanatory statement. company wants tom comply with the requirements of BSE & NSE.

Answer now


The DOI of the company is 06.12.2006 and the date of transfer is 10.02.2006 and the date on transfer deed is 20.12.2005. Is such a practise correct

Answer now

21 July 2010 at 16:03

Subsidiary Company

An Indian Company has a Foreign Subsidiary.The Indian Company is a partner in a Partnership Firm based in India.

Can the Foreign Subsidiary of the Indian Company be a partner in the Partnership Firm and induct Capital in it? If so,what shall be the tax implications of the interest payable to the Foreign Company on its Capital in the Partnership Firm?

Answer now

15 July 2010 at 15:01

Software for Records & Minutes

What are the pros and cons of such a software

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vivek Gopalakrishnan
14 July 2010 at 12:32


Can anyone please clarify whether a RETIRING AUDITOR has the privilege to issue a Legal Notice to a Client for non payment of outsanding Audit Fees duly being reflected in Balance Sheet??

If Not what is the alternate mode of Recovery?

Vivek Gopalakrishnan
CA Final Stdent.

Answer now

12 July 2010 at 18:36

appicability of sec 297 and 299

X is pvt limited company.Y is semi government organsiation i.e. MMRDA. Now MMRDA has appointed nominee directors on the board of the X. If some contract needs to be entered into by X with MMRDA pertaining to services provided by MMRDA. In such case whether nominee directors shall be considered as interested in this resolution as per sec 297 and 299 of the companies act,1956.

Answer now

05 July 2010 at 17:04

Deposits - Private Company

The Companies Act, 1956 amended effective December 2000 stipulated that existing private companies are restricted from acceptance of deposits from the public.However,Rule 2 clause (b), sub-clause (ix) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 permits:
" any amount received from a person who, at the time of the receipt of the amount, was a director of the company or any amount received from a relative of a director or its member by a private company "

The question is whether Private Companies formed prior to this amendment,are required to amend the Articles with regard to the restriction to invite deposits from the public ?

Rajiv Kaicker

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