18 January 2011 at 22:27

conversion of HUF to Pvt. Ltd. Co.

What are the steps to be taken by an HUF firm, wants to change its constitution into private limited company.
Which is the best possible way and what are the tax implications.

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18 January 2011 at 17:22

Calculation under section 349

Dear All

Please note that while making the calculation under section 349 the most of teh deductions to be made from the net profits like interest on mortgages excuted on the company, etc are already been deducted from the gross profits while arising at the said net profit of the company. SO what is the logic behind deducting them again. Kindly help.

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16 January 2011 at 19:02

Registration of company

I am going to incorporate a company, for which i have already applied for DIN. The business which the promoters intended to do is the retail store of vegetables (which are to be sold at a discount as compared to mkt price)and provision store (free home delivery service will be given along with discount). can you please frame the main objects to be written in MOA or suggest me the company name which is exactly doing business like this one.
please i need it urgently.

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CA Amit Jaiswal
15 January 2011 at 14:59


If one is not certain about filing of 23B, how can he be assure of this.

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1. Is it possible for managing Director of a company who is holding 50% share of a pvt ltd to get loans from bank without the knowledge or agreement of another partner who is also 50% share holder but not an active partner ?

2. How to stop the managing director from getting more loans from another banks which make company's liability increasing and can lead to bankruptcy ?

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13 January 2011 at 16:53

Share Transfer Form

Pls let me know, what are the penal provisions if the Share Transfer Form does not have the Government of India & Date stamp affixed on it...

will d transfer on such share transfer form will be valid???

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Can any one tell me difference between Private placement and preferntial allotment??????????????

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Parth Maken
11 January 2011 at 16:34

EES, 2011

I have two queries and shall be obliged if anyone could help me.

(1) I would like to know that whether there are any other conditions than those illustrated in the EES, 2011 Scheme on the basis of which R.O.C. may refuse to strike off the name of a defunct company. In other words is the list of companies for which this scheme is not applicable exhaustive?
(2) Can a defunct Pvt. Ltd. Company apply for striking off its name under EES, 2011 Scheme if it has done no business for the last ten years but has a small fixed deposit? In other words can R.O.C. refuse to strike off the name of a company if it has a small fixed deposit with a bank

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11 January 2011 at 15:32

Forfeiture of Subscription Shares?

Dear all,

Can anyone kindly let me know the solution, for the following problem:

A private Limited Company has been incorporated with two subscribers(who are also the directors), but after the incorporation of the Company one of the subscriber has not paid the amount which has to be paid by him, so what is the remedy available for the Company, can it forfeit the shares.

Kindly treat the matter as urgent.

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11 January 2011 at 15:24

Conversion to a Private Company

On applying for converstion from a public company to a private company,cofirmation of substantial creditors is required.What is the meanibg of substantial creditors ?

On conversion,can a private company continue to have a public company as its subsidiary ?

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