
A company is Public Unlisted Company, there are 5 director out of whitch 2 are WTD and 1 is MD.
now among them 1 is also wish to appoint as a WTD.

My Quiery is that is there is any limitation to appoint him as WTD as there are already 3 WTD and MD??

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19 July 2011 at 15:28

easy exit scheme


when the company has been put up in defaulter list by ROC and if the company file aplication under easy exit scheme whether the name of the company will be removed from derfaulter list

urgent reply is sought

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A Public Ltd. Company is a Partner in a Partnership Firm and invested its share of Capital.Can it give a further amount to the Partnership Firm as an Advance against Capital?Are there any implication of Section 295 of the Companies Act,1956 in this context?

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rajesh arya

Q:- I want to know whether Real Estate or Construction compamnies comes under New Guildelines.

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C.A Alok Mukherjee

In a board meeting there was was no problem about quorum but all the agenda could not be concluded due to time constrain. Hence if a decision is taken to adjourn it to another date to settle the unsettled issues whether can be treated for a valid reason of adjournment?
In this regard AOA is clearly stated that even a board meeting can be adjourned subject to restriction if any otherwise provided by section 285 of the company's Act.

Whether such a reference of AOA give strength the company to go for adjournment in this case? Please suggest.

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for re appointment of whole time director in a private Company do we require to file form 23 or not? as board resolution is require to be passed for this and article provide for the board approval.

kindly revert.........at the earliest

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Shraddha Shukla
12 July 2011 at 10:16


A Company is carrying on the Trading in Shares as its main business. As per the Provisions of RBI Act Sec. 45IA, it needs to be registered as an NBFC with the RBI. Can there be some exceptions to this?? It has also invested Appx. 50% of its paid up capital in to group companies but that has been kept as Investments and not as the stock – in – trade.

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11 July 2011 at 17:49

audit reoprt

can a company change its auditor's report after online submission with roc

if yes or no provide me link for that.

thanks in advance for reply

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Dear All
Plz claify the following issue
i.e.A company's paid up capital is > 1 Crore, with Directors/pramoters of Mr.X & Y

and B company is a company, pramoters are same MR. X&Y

Can "A" company give subcontract to "B" company directly or any CENTRAL GOVT or ROC permission has to take (Land Development,Construction etc.....)

Kindly explain me with sections/Case Laws/Circulars

Answer now

29 June 2011 at 22:35

Applicability of Cost audit u/s.233B

As per Section 233B of Companies Act, 1956 read with latest Circulars/Notifications issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, whether Cost Audit is mandatory for a Government Company engaged in the manufacture of electronic components, having a turnover of Rs.300 crores per annum.

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