Raj Kumar

There are two companies A and B. Company B failed to file its annual statements due to which one director of Company A became disqualification u/s 164(2)(a) in 2017 when MCA published list of disqualified directors. Now office of this director in Company A got automatically vacated in 2017 but he didn't resign though he stopped signing Financial Statements, MCA forms and stopped attending board meetings of Company A. Now in Oct21 his disqualification period of 5 years is completed.
My query is this director now wants to sign Financial Statements, MCA forms, attend board meetings of Company A on the ground that his disqualification period is completed though he didn't resign since 2017 and continue to appear as director on MCA portal since 2017. Can he do so without submitting his resignation OR he has to first resign now & Company A to file his resignation in current date OR get his resignation in back date & Company A to do late filing by paying late fees.

Davu Narendra

please share main objectives of eco friendly products company for incorporation

Kavita R

Facts of the company:
1) ABC co. is private limited.
2) Litigation case is going one.
3) Two groups of shareholders are there .
4) Addtional director was appointed and was regularised by holding AGM and DIR-12 was filed for regularisation. But in agm by mistake the voting was done by show of hands instead of poll. so the resolution was not passed which was realised later on. Only two directors were there on board including the additional director appointed. And now we want to appoint another director . So can we appoint the additional director through backend process? can we appoint the same director ?

Annie Sneha Premkumar

Dear team,
Kindly help us with this concern we are facing with ESIC.
We registered our company on March 2021 through a paid service portal
1. Its a private limited company with two directors, started as part of media & entertainment for YouTube purpose.
2. ESIC number is allotted when we created the company , which was done by the service portal CA.
3. We have a current account for the registered company , with avg balance maintained.

Currently , we received notice from ESIC to submit the below documents within Feb22,2022. Since, we don't have employers we are not sure what needs to be done further. We have inquired to that service portal & they are still looking into how to provide service and no clear answer from them.

Documents Required by ESIC SRO official:
1. Attendance/Salary Register from March 2021 to January 2022
2. Trial Balance Sheet & Profit&Loss account with schedules/Trial Balance with groupings-with reference to P&LAccount/GeneralLedger/Bills/VouchersforFY2021-22, allsegregatedasperheadsinledger
3. Contractors/outsourced work records.
4. Inspection Book under Regulation 102-A
5. Employees' Register under Regulation 31
6. Accident Book under Regulation 66.
7. All other documents pertaining to employment,payment of wages and payment of contribution under the ESI Act,1948 such as TDS and ECS statements.
8. Registration certificate copy providing the date of commencement
9. Bank Passbook 1st page copy of the company
10. PAN of the company

In ESIC portal handbook, we saw that company with less than 10 employees are not require to follow ESIC schemes.

Kindly help us what should be done from our end, to face this concern.

04 February 2022 at 08:35

EPCG license Query

Dear sir,
In case of EPCG license application to DGFT, Which Proforma invoice to be submitted
1. our vendor Proforma invoice
2. Our vendor - supplier proforma invoice .
Kindly advise

Anurag Garg
03 February 2022 at 22:44

Declaration and payment of dividend.

Under section 123(1) 4 proviso it States that company shall not declare dividend if the carried over losses and depreciation has been set off with the profit of the current year ok
So i want to ask that it states against profit of current year ok now if I don't have profit in current year and i am declaring dividend as per 3 proviso read with rule3 which provides for set off that year loss not depreciation in which dividend is declared not the previous year depreciation and losses so if I declare dividend as per 3 proviso did I have to setoff previous years losses or depreciation kindly express your suggestion and views.

Bhawna Dubey
03 February 2022 at 20:25

Is ADT-1 filed on yearly basis

Can a private limited company have to file ADT-1 every year, even for ratification also?? If I file ADT-1 last year then can I have to file this year also ??

sankar ponnan
31 January 2022 at 11:49

Business Address

Our client is a director in a Pvt Ltd Company
He has also started a proprietorship firm and a Partnership firm in the address of PVT Ltd Company
If all the registered office addresses are in the same place, any issue for business?
Please advice us
Thanks in adv

28 January 2022 at 18:09

PF & ESI on Director Renumeration

Dear Sir,
We are a manufacturing Company incorporated in 2019 as Private Limited, There are 5 Directors in our Company.
We are facing 2 Situations-
1) 2 Directors are getting Salary of Below 18000/- p.m. and they are registered in PF & ESi & our company is deducting PF & ESI from their Salary till Jan 2022. Now they want not to deduct PF & ESI and do not want Salary income from the Company but they want Director Remuneration, whether PF & ESI will be deducted on that Remuneration or not & is their any ceiling Amount which company can pay as director remuneration.
2) 3 Directors are not taking any Salary from the Company and now Company wants to pay him Director Remuneration, So, whether there is any ceiling Limit on that and whether Company has to deduct any PF & ESI on that Remuneration.

27 January 2022 at 13:01


Section 8 company had received donations Rs. 20 laks in FY 19.20 as corpus fund. The said amount was not shown to profit and loss account as income. In subsequent year i.e. in FY 20.21 the said amount was utilised under emergency as donation to a trust which was running Covid care centre. The company did not any receive any income or donation in F Y 20.21.
The query is - What should be the accounting treatment in books of account.
Whether the amount utilised from the Corpus fund should be shown as income in Profit and loss account of the company by transfer from Corpus fund. OR no income in profit and loss account and only expenditure of donation to other trust should be shown, resulting into deficit/loss in the profit and loss account?
Further any qualifications are required in audit report?