CA Abhishek Singh
19 May 2023 at 07:54

Duration of a perpetual bond ??

Duration of a perpetual bond is ?
1. Infinity
2. Impossible to calculate
3. Can be computed with ytm & coupon

This question was asked in IBBI valuation exam . I answered no.3

Can anyone answer this ?

Rajesh Jain

where to upload the form 15H online for reliance industries & Heromotor corp against the dividend income from shares held in demat account ?
not able to get it despite best efforts

CA Abhishek Singh
07 May 2023 at 07:49

Calculation of value of equity ??

rs 10. Pd up Val. 100000
FII 5000 shares. 10. 50000
ESOP 5000 share. -- ----- Total. 150000
In 1st 2nd and 3rd Yr shares are likely to vest 20% , 30% and 50% out of which 80% shall get subscribed

Calculate the value of equity ?

CA Abhishek Singh
06 May 2023 at 03:50

Calculation of growth rate?

ROE 15% dividend paid 30%
Calculate the growth rate ?

Can anyone solve this ??

Vishnu Gowda

What are the educational qualifications required to apply for Research Analyst and Investment Advisor Certificate in SEBI?

A Bachelor's Degree in Commerce ( B.Com ) is sufficient to apply for the Research Analyst and Investment Adviser Certificate OR a post graduate or professional qualification is must to apply.


Future value of 50 lakhs invested before 19 years with rate of return of 12% amounts to Rs 4,30,63,000.
Whether this amount includes monthly return also?

If yes, how do I calculate future value of past investment (fv only the lump sum investment amt) excluding monthly return on such investment?

sachin Alwadhi
15 March 2023 at 17:24

Share transfer valuation


I have query regarding share transfer value .Case is i have transfer some shares from my demat to my family demat account and both demat account with same broker so it is intra transfer among same broker and share transferred successfully now issue is updation of investment and average price in transferred demat account.suppose in my demat account value to shares are as follows
Abc company qty 700 rate 25 average price =37500 and out of this i have transferred 1 shares to another family demat account as a gift.Now question of updation of average price and investment price in another demat account .problem is that i have bought 1500 shares in 2018 and sales 800 shares in 2019 and 2020 and again bought new shares in different dates and now i have holding of 700 shares and out this i have transferred 1 shares as gift to family so at what price average price and invesment value will be updated in transferred family demat account?

meenakshi somasundaram
02 March 2023 at 16:19

Unclaimed shares

I am a major shareholder of a company, 33%, The management of the company have transferred money, raw material, to their sister concerns. The company had large volume of shares in a bank, The saud bank became ICICI two and a half decades back. The shares grew in volumes again after share split, rights issues and bonus shares,

The management of the company transferred a junk to its principal company, pledged the shares to advance its growth. A residue of few thousand shares was with the company. The company became a defaulter in all angles, bank repayment, sales tax arrears, Pf arrears, workers salary arrears. It was taken by ARCIL and subsequently the Official Liquidator takes control,
Its valuable properties, building and machinery were sold to paay the arrears, Having done, without informing the shareholders the company was dissolved by the liquidator in 2020 August,

To everyone's surprise the shares of IICI remains untouched. The dividend was claimed by the Official Liquidator for 2 years and the remaining remains unclaimed.

As the shareholders have not been intimated and not been taken care off can they stake claim of the shares lying with ICIC?

Is it possible?

r venkatesan

Sir a proposal for investment in another state private limited entity is planned, Investor is in one state and the investee is in another state, Investee has no tangible assets for security. Either way, short-term operation will be an accumulation of losses since the project will generate revenue after six months only, with gradually the income increasing over the years, and profit is estimated from year 1 end only. Under the circumstances, a.is the option of keeping the funds as share application money say for a period of one or two years, and then if revenue and profit starts flowing, can it be converted into equity, b, till conversion, is the fund a liability or part of the capital, c, will the losses during this period will impact the investor d. alternatively will convertible debenture route will be better even though, if there are losses, there is no recourse to recover the debt in any manner, awaiting your guidance, with regards Venkat bashyam 9944446349 ssv associaties@gmail.com

Syed Hasan Safdar
24 November 2022 at 08:57

Filing of Form IEPF-5

Can a CA fill up form IEPF-5 on behalf of his /her Client?